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Bradley PSD was experiencing high fluctuations of wet weather flows which their existing oxidation ditch was not able to treat efficiently. Ghosh Engineers proposed and was awarded the design of a new Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) treatment plant that would include a new grit removal and bar screen, new aerobic digesters and a new belt filter press. Since construction completion, on numerous occasions, the PSD has seen the Average Daily Flow double and has always maintained the necessary treatment capacity.
New Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) with Average Daily Flow 1.0 MGD and Peak Daily Flow 3.0 MGD
Installed new SCADA Systems at the plant and lift station
REPEAT CLIENT SATISFACTION: In 2020, Bradley PSD again hired Ghosh to work with them on a decentralized wastewater treatment and collection system to replace four failing package treatment plants.
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