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City of Follansbee, WV

Wastewater System Improvements
Follansbee WW Treatment Plant
Follansbee Sewage Pump Station
One of Ghosh Engineers original clients, the City of Follansbee’s wastewater treatment plant suffered from high fluctuation of wet weather flows due to their combined sewer system, which impacted their existing 500,000 GPD treatment plant. The project would involve an upgrade of an existing 0.5 MGD extended aeration sewage treatment plant to treat 1.6 MGD capable of peak flows of 3.5 MGD. The design of this $8 Million dollar project included the innovative Twin Oxidation Ditch Treatment Process utilizing inter-channel BOAT clarifiers, conversion of existing plant to aerobic digesters, chlorine disinfection and installation of a new filter belt press to dewater sludge.
  • 1.6 MGD treatment plant capable of peak flows of 3.5 MGD

  • First plant of this type in the State of West Virginia

  • Plant constructed on 300 concrete piles to address contaminated soft soil

REPEAT CLIENT SATISFACTION: Ghosh Engineers has worked for the City of Follansbee on numerous projects since 1992.

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