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The City of Follansbee is one of Ghosh Engineers’ original clients. One most recent project was for the replacement of waterlines in the existing distribution system while maintaining uninterrupted water service to the system. The current team of engineers worked with the City’s treatment and distribution system operators and performed verification of existing field conditions to determine the needs. In addition to the replacement of 26,300 LF of waterline which involved 2 Booster Station upgrades, a site was selected for a new 212,000-gallon water storage tank along with extending the existing water system to serve the tank and 7 new customers. Design Phase services are complete and Ghosh Engineers will provide bidding and construction services.
26,300 LF of waterline replacement
New 212,000-Gallon Water Storage Tank
Two (2) Booster Station Upgrades
Seven (7) New Customers
Downtown WTP Upgrade (700 to 1,000 GPM)
Hooverson Heights WTP Improvements
REPEAT CLIENT SATISFACTION: Ghosh Engineers has worked for the City of Follansbee on numerous projects since 1992.
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